Fat for the holidays

It’s a secret we don’t normally share with out-of-staters but one of the things we love most about Salida is its mellow climate.  Typically in winter, while the mountains — the mountains we can see from our living room window — are getting buried in snow, down here in the valley we’re basking in sunshine.  Don’t tell anyone.

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Ah, fall in Colorado.  Seeing the days slowly getting shorter and feeling the nights gradually getting cooler. Saying goodbye to the hiking and biking of summer and anticipating the skiing of winter.  Time to downshift, kick back, and take it slow while nature works on changing its pallet from green and gold to green and white.  

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Giro d’Aspen

Something you find out about quickly in Colorado is how distances between places get distorted by the terrain of the state.   On a map, two towns may look close to each other but because there’s a mountain range between them, the practical distance, the distance you have to drive, is surprisingly far.  

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Ski the Angel

Do you ever get a thought or idea in your head that just won’t go away?  One of those brain worms that burrows in to your subconscious and persists over months, popping into your head at the weirdest times? Over the past couple of years, for me it has been the thought of skiing the Angel of Shavano.  

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Approaching the top of Monarch Pass from Salida, a high ridge rises above the highway from across the drainage on the left side of the road.  The ridge runs northeast to southwest and ties into the Continental Divide above the Monarch Crest parking lot where the tourist gondola runs in the summer.

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