The Weight

If you haven’t heard of Playing for Change and their Songs Around the World you owe it to yourself to check it out.  They basically ask musicians from all over the world to play a song on their respective instruments, then edit it together into something that is truly greater than the sum of its parts.  You can find dozens of their songs on the YouTube or the Playing for Change website.  This is one of my favorites, The Weight by The Band, featuring Robbie Robertson himself.  In the key of F-demented, if you’d like to play along.

Winter Inspiration

I’ve spent the past couple of weeks alternating between skiing and fat biking, depending on the weather in sunny Salida versus up in the mountains.  No complaints here, not a one.  I found this nice little video about riding the Kettle Valley Railroad trail in British Columbia.  And while I have no intention of camping overnight in the snow or riding to Argentina like this guy (check out his other videos if you want to be amazed), I think this video captures the feel of fat biking in the snow as good as any I’ve seen.