Ivy League

Way back in the 1860’s and 1870’s, back before Colorado even became a state, survey crews from what is now called the U.S. Geological Survey fanned out across the Rocky Mountains to catalogue, measure, map and name the mountains.  Imagine that, being given the authority to name mountains!  Most of the names we use to this day came from those 19th century surveys.  

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I don’t consider myself a particularly obsessive person but if I’m interested in something I do have a tendency to lock onto it like a dog on a bone.  From the very first 14er we climbed years ago I’ve found a definite attraction to their challenges.  And now that we’ve climbed several of them, I find my interest has only grown.  I don’t know if I’ll ever climb them all.  Due to their difficulty or remoteness, there are several that are probably out of my reach at this point in life.  I’m not 20 years old anymore.  But for the time being I’m really interested in pushing myself to climb as many as I can.   

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