
Ok, so it’s been a few months of skiing posts and I’m sure some of you are thinking hey, what about bikes?  Well, here you go. The mad Scotsman, Danny MacAskill is at it again with a short film dedicated to the wheelie.  This time he’s asked a bunch of others, including the legendary Hans Rey to join him.  

It’s strange, after all these years of riding bikes I’ve never mastered the wheelie.  It seems like I remember doing them as a kid on my purple Montgomery Ward stingray.  But somewhere along the way, probably around the time I procured a driver’s license and gave up bikes for cars, I forgot how.  Sure, I can lift the front wheel to get over trail obstacles, but riding down the street like these guys, no way.  I’m totally clueless.  

As an adult, I remember trying one in my driveway many years ago.  I had just got a new mountain bike and was showing off for the neighbors.  I pulled up on the handlebars and immediately fell backwards on my ass on the concrete.  Nothing broken other than my pride, but I walked around with a purple and blue backside for a couple of weeks.  That was my last attempt as an adult.

The mix of skills and rider ages makes this video particularly fun.  I don’t know, maybe I just need to get back out there put in some practice time.