We now begin our broadcast day

<tap> <tap> <tap> Testing, testing 1-2-3…is this thing on?  

So I decided to start a blog.  And if you’re reading this, you found it.  Nothing special, there are thousands (millions?) of blogs out there but this is my first.  My first www-anything really.  I don’t do social media.  Can’t stand the whole idea of it.  

Hello!  We’re a huge social media corporation.  How about you give us all of your thoughts, pictures and videos and tell us all of your friends?

For money?  

Oh no, not for money, not for you anyway.  For free.  That way we can sell all your information to a bunch of other huge corporations so they can push ads to you and make money for us!  Deal?  

Basically, commercial TV with really bad shows.  Bleh.  No thank you.  

Besides the truth is, life tends to be mostly boring.  When did it become necessary to share the things you do, the things people everywhere do every day, with the whole world?  I’m sorry, I know you love your kids but I’m not interested in seeing 100 pictures of the little darlings walking, sleeping, crapping, whatever.  Same with the pictures of the dinner you ate.  Unless you actually made that three-tiered chocolate cake with the sea foam cream and chocolate wafers sticking out of the top, I don’t really care what you put in your mouth.  Your vacation pics?  Ok, maybe, if you went to a place where you can’t pronounce the food and you’re not even sure it is food, but spare me the annoying selfie in front of the same old landmarks.  And really, wouldn’t it be more fun to sit down over a beer and talk about what you saw, what you did and what you learned rather than scrolling through pictures online? 

But now it seems I have some time on my hands.  I’m lucky enough to be living in a place I love rather than a place I work and I have friends and family that I can’t regularly hang out with.  So for the first time I’m feeling compelled to share online.  Maybe it’ll be boring (hope not).  Maybe I’ll get bored (a real possibility).  But I’m taking the first step down the proverbial road.  Come along if you want.  Let’s see where it goes.  I call it “Seeking Timberline” because on a climb, timberline is where things get interesting.  Where the world opens up and you can see where you’re going as clearly as where you’ve been.  A world of wonder, beauty and discovery.  

It’s also where you’re most likely to get hit by lightning, so we’ll see how it goes.