
Ah, fall in Colorado.  Seeing the days slowly getting shorter and feeling the nights gradually getting cooler. Saying goodbye to the hiking and biking of summer and anticipating the skiing of winter.  Time to downshift, kick back, and take it slow while nature works on changing its pallet from green and gold to green and white.  

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Ivy League

Way back in the 1860’s and 1870’s, back before Colorado even became a state, survey crews from what is now called the U.S. Geological Survey fanned out across the Rocky Mountains to catalogue, measure, map and name the mountains.  Imagine that, being given the authority to name mountains!  Most of the names we use to this day came from those 19th century surveys.  

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This past Thursday, I decided to head up to Buena Vista to check out what they have to offer in the way of mountain bike trails.  I had never ridden in BV but I know they have a network of trails in the Arkansas Hills similar to Salida’s.  The trails are the creation of the Buena Vista Singletrack Coalition and their website has maps and information to help you orient yourself.  The Midland Hill section on the south end of the network looked promising and I plotted out an eleven-mile loop for my introduction to BV mountain biking.  

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BV or Bust

It was way past time to give the road bike some love.  It’s funny, in Houston I practically lived on my road bike.  Pre-COVID my routine was long group rides on weekends, recovery ride on Monday, hammerfests on Tuesday and Thursday, summer races on Wednesday, rest day Friday.  Like clockwork.  For years.  About the only time I rode my mountain bike was to race.  But that makes some sense.  Houston is pavement rich, trail poor.  Here, the equation has been flipped and I now find I live on my mountain bike while the road bike mostly collects dust on a hook in the garage.  It was time to right that wrong.

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