Fat for the holidays

It’s a secret we don’t normally share with out-of-staters but one of the things we love most about Salida is its mellow climate.  Typically in winter, while the mountains — the mountains we can see from our living room window — are getting buried in snow, down here in the valley we’re basking in sunshine.  Don’t tell anyone.

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Tour de Leadville

So I was thinking of going to Leadville.  Back in November when I bought my fat bike, the guys at Cycles of Life made a point of telling me about Leadville’s groomed winter trails,  “One of the best places to ride snow in the area!”  A couple of our neighbors cross-country ski and they also mentioned the Leadville trails to me.  I figured it would be a good idea to make a trip up to the Cloud City before the snow gets melted out for the season.

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