Club Huron

Next up on our 14er climb list was Huron Peak.  At 14,003 feet Huron just makes the list of Colorado 14ers but what it lacks in altitude list-topping, it makes up for in remoteness and rugged beauty.  Huron has the distinction of being the Sawatch 14er farthest from a paved road. What that means is that when you approach it from the lovely Lake Ann basin you are surrounded by nothing but wilderness for miles in every direction.  No towns, highways or civilization of any kind are visible from Huron’s slopes.  A perfect place for quiet seclusion.  

Or so we thought.

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Do that hoodoo that you do

One of the most interesting things about living in Colorado is the variety and abundance of geology all around you.  If you venture outside anywhere in the mountains, you’re bound to find strange rock formations, fossils, crystals, and all manner of other minerally things.  As a non-geologist I don’t know what ninety percent of it is but I find the whole thing fascinating and I’m slowly learning about it as I go.

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Ol’ Crusty Butt

For as long as I can remember, Crested Butte has been one of my favorite places to ride.  I’ve had the opportunity to ride my bike in places all over the U.S. but more than anywhere else, the rides that have burned themselves deepest into my memory are the ones I’ve done at Crested Butte.   The number and quality of trails, combined with the natural beauty of the place makes riding there something special. 

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This past Thursday, I decided to head up to Buena Vista to check out what they have to offer in the way of mountain bike trails.  I had never ridden in BV but I know they have a network of trails in the Arkansas Hills similar to Salida’s.  The trails are the creation of the Buena Vista Singletrack Coalition and their website has maps and information to help you orient yourself.  The Midland Hill section on the south end of the network looked promising and I plotted out an eleven-mile loop for my introduction to BV mountain biking.  

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La Plata Scramble

It’s mid-June and most of the snow has melted from the high country so it was time for our first 14er of 2021.  I picked La Plata Peak as our objective for the day.  La Plata Peak sits deep in the central Sawatch range near Mt. Elbert and Twin Lakes.  At 14,336 feet, it is the fifth highest mountain in Colorado. 

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Long before it was a mountain bike town, long before it was a hiking town, long before it was a camping town, Salida was a river town.  Every June since 1949, pandemic years excepted, they have held an event called FIBArk, for First in Boating in the Arkansas river, to celebrate the river and those who love it.  That first event was a single race of 57 miles from Salida to Canon City.  Twenty three entered, only two finished.  These days, FIBArk is a full-blown four-day festival with multiple races on and off the river, music, food and all types of white-water shenanigans.  

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For some time now I’ve been trying to think of a way to do the Monarch Crest trail without a shuttle.  That is, ride to the top of the pass from Salida and then ride the Crest trail in one big loop.  But the logistics are daunting.  The Crest is long enough on its own at approximately 36 miles, so to ride it from town you’re looking at least a 70-mile round trip and probably eight hours in the saddle.  

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The truth about riding bikes is that eventually you’re going to go down.  The number of times you go down and how hard you hit is directly proportional to how much you ride and how fast you go.  If you race on any level your risk goes up exponentially.  

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