Random Distraction
Happy Halloween
Light at the end of the Tunnel

Being of a certain age that qualifies you for such things, Ms. Seeking and I became eligible for our COVID vaccine this week. After a year of weirdness and months of waiting I can honestly say I have never been more excited to receive a vaccination. Come to think of it, I’ve never had a vaccination elicit any kind of excitement at all until this one.
Continue readingThe Weight
If you haven’t heard of Playing for Change and their Songs Around the World you owe it to yourself to check it out. They basically ask musicians from all over the world to play a song on their respective instruments, then edit it together into something that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. You can find dozens of their songs on the YouTube or the Playing for Change website. This is one of my favorites, The Weight by The Band, featuring Robbie Robertson himself. In the key of F-demented, if you’d like to play along.
Time to wake up
I set out to make this blog a place to share stories of things going on in our lives in Colorado. But damn, the events of the past two weeks, cumulating in the attack on our nation’s capital on Jan 6 make anything I have to say about what’s going on here seem trivial and out of touch. In my life I never thought I’d see armed insurrgents storming our nation’s capital, let alone the president encouraging them to do so. But here we are.
What’s most amazing to me is not that Donny Small Hands is a con man. Everyone knows that. What’s amazing is that so many people fell for the con and so many others either encouraged it or stood by and let it happen. If nothing else, these events are the perfect argument for why we need to be teaching critical thinking in school.
This guy sums it up as well as anyone I’ve heard.