
In 28 years of riding and racing I’ve pretty much ridden every kind of trail imaginable:  ledgy limestone, chunky granite, desert sand, gnarly roots, soft loam.  In terms of mountain biking, there isn’t much I haven’t seen.  

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Fat for the holidays

It’s a secret we don’t normally share with out-of-staters but one of the things we love most about Salida is its mellow climate.  Typically in winter, while the mountains — the mountains we can see from our living room window — are getting buried in snow, down here in the valley we’re basking in sunshine.  Don’t tell anyone.

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Ah, fall in Colorado.  Seeing the days slowly getting shorter and feeling the nights gradually getting cooler. Saying goodbye to the hiking and biking of summer and anticipating the skiing of winter.  Time to downshift, kick back, and take it slow while nature works on changing its pallet from green and gold to green and white.  

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