Continue readingMountain biking
Alpine Tunnel Loop
Riding the Royal

Looking for a change of pace, I decided to head down river to Cañon City to check out the mountain bike trails at the Royal Gorge. I had heard about them from some Salida locals and watched a few videos online and was interested in trying them out for myself.
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I had some unfinished business with a certain trail that heads up North Fooses Creek.
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Back in the mid ‘90s when I started racing mountain bikes, it wasn’t uncommon to see a number of guys still lining up at races on fully rigid 26-inch bikes. Suspension forks had only been around for a few years and a good fork was considered the pinnacle of off-road technology.
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This video has been out there for a couple of years but it just recently popped up on my radar. It’s an inspiring look at mountain biking in Chaffee County as described by four residents and local riders.
Continue readingHow not to ride the Monarch Crest

I swear, the older I get, the faster time goes. Blink and three months go by. Here it is the middle of Summer and it’s been over a month since I’ve posted a single thing on this admittedly intermittent web site. Apologies for that. Time to rectify the situation.
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It’s summer, and that means it’s time to do one of my favorite in-town rides, the Cottonwood Loop. The Cottonwood Loop is in the Arkansas Hills north of Salida. From town it’s a 20-mile round trip involving an eight-mile gravel ride up to the trailhead, followed by a twelve-mile single-track descent.
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In the continuing effort to bring you video tours of Salida’s mountain bike trails, it is with great pleasure I present a look what I’m pretty sure is the biggest loop you can do on a bike on the Methodist Mountain side of Salida.
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In 28 years of riding and racing I’ve pretty much ridden every kind of trail imaginable: ledgy limestone, chunky granite, desert sand, gnarly roots, soft loam. In terms of mountain biking, there isn’t much I haven’t seen.
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