Shocked. Appalled. Concerned. Pick your adjective.
That half of U.S. voters are so indoctrinated into a personality cult, so twisted around a torrent of mis-information that they would elect a criminal president of the United States is something unimaginable to me. Not to mention the travesty of justice that fumbled and delayed a process that should have thrown him in jail more than two years ago after the treasonous act of trying to overthrow an election. That sound you hear is George Washington, James Madison, et al. collectively rolling over in their graves.
As someone much wiser and more eloquent than me said “this is the most widespread and insidious case of Stockholm Syndrome in all of human history, and without pause can absolutely guarantee that we are all, every single one of us, going to suffer in some form or fashion in the wake of these developments.”
I try to keep this blog focused on the outdoors but the past few weeks have made that difficult. Fortunately for me, therapy has come in the form of ski season and I’m able to put the shit-show that is about to envelope us behind me for a few hours a day.
Here’s wishing you your own ways to find solace during these historically bizarre times. And in case it helps, here’s my contribution in the form of a short video distraction.